Friday, March 9, 2007

Machu Picchu

I decided to bite the bullet, the bullet being an expensive few days, and travel to Machu Picchu, Inkan ruins from the 15th and 16th centuries. I arrived with the other over-zealous tourists at 6 am while still foggy, and climbed to a magnificent view, that I could not see at the time. As the fog lifted the view took my breath away. Within the sanctuary there are many temples and monuments, temple of the sun, an image of a condor, a sun dial, and more. There are the remains of homes, workshops, a central plaza, and guardians stantion, terrazes for agriculture and to prevent soil erosion, a well planned city. There is also a one hour climb up Wayna Picchu for a strenous, well worthwhile climb, more ruins, and a magnificent view. I spent the whole day from 6am until 4pm at the site, climbing, resting, taking pictures, more climbing, listening to toher peoples guides, and dreaming about the people who once lived there. Tonight I head to Puno and Lake Titicaca.

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